a little silver lining

Jan 20, 2009 16:07

I picked up Jack yesterday. I splitt the 750 that was left over from the care credit into 3 payments. He's eaten just a little, and that's good. I love my little cat lamp.

Unemployment finally came through, which is why I was able to pay so much yesterday. The Doc even offered me a job, but I don't honestly think I could do it. I couldn't handle someone like me. I was a wreck.

But it's ok, because pending a background, credit and drug test, and the week paid training, I have a job. It pays a dollar less then the old, but that's ok. it's a start. It may only be temporary, but things will be different in 6 months. I hope they will, at any rate. There's going to be a lot of boot strap pulling in the coming months. I certainly ready for the change.

My deepest, heart felt gratitude goes out to everyone who passed along a kind thought, hug and prayer for both the job and the Jack. I am blessed in this account, if not the bank. And as Peter said, I'll never truly be at rock bottom when I have so many will to help. 
Thank you!
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