Jun 05, 2006 17:24
i ma y not be as r efined as ican hackye t but f uck call it a head s tart
damm i t fuc k t his i nt ers spersion of a c tua lization you ei t her have someth ing trul y or yo udont yo u are eith er au t hen tic o r a plagiarism of som e fantastical sense of real ity you desperately wanted to comsume a re dundant state of being
iam not a h abitual cr e a ture and i am inthe same fox hole as y ou
but yo u know wha t i catch up t o m y in tention most days
and t hat s hit h as foudn ists most unw illin g noisy reactive ornery s h ittalk ing host
fuck y o ur imi tated soul y ouinanimate leech sonsofabitches
illl k il l you where i can s ee you
so if iwere you i wouldnt f ig ht fair ei ther knowing my as s is g o n e