Jun 22, 2004 12:32
OK, so I have 2 interviews tomorrow. The first is for this company that seems really cool to work for. They are looking for someone just like me - so they said when they were describing the perfect candidate - but I can't say this President/CEO was very interesting. I mean his personality was rather droll and I don't think he was amused by my resourceful use of caller id since when I called the number back I got him directly - no receptionist. So, dispensing with all the pleasantries we got straight to business. Mind you I hadn't had my cup o' joe yet! He wanted to know about my QuickBooks experience, which I'm like, ummm - I am familiar with the program, even used it on occassion...but I mean what do you want me to say? I'm the freaking Queen of QuickBooks? Seriously, who really uses that program anymore anyway. Thank God I have the recent idiot proof book on it!
So, this guy decides to go over my length of employ, or lack thereof, at previous positions. 2 lay-offs and a temp-to-hire position don't bode well, but apparently my comment about really wanting to settle into a position that wasn't going to eliminate me in the next year or so was attractive to him as he actually said he was willing to interview me! Shit Howdy! I am speechless! Mr. I-Have-No-Personality wants to meet me tomorrow morning. Hmmm, I'm trying to figure out how best to attack this interview. Not so much that I care about HIM, per se, but the job does sound pretty freaking cool when it comes to Exec. Asst. shit. Self-starter, detail oriented, perfectionist, follows through, doesn't need constant supervision...I kind of like that whole idea. Not into being micro-managed.
My second interview is actually a job placement firm. You know, those temp agencies. Thusfar the woman I am to meet with sounds completely awesome - as do most recruiters, it is there job after all. But she is hysterically funny and is from the East Coast. A few short blocks from where my dad's mom and brother used to shack up in New York. I think that little tidbit of info was enough to break the ice as she was all shades of excited about my mentality being more East Coast than West Coast, as in I-Don't-Bullshit-Or-Sugarcoat-Nothing type of person. I'm not into the fake boobs and wanna-be Barbie. She found that a refreshing change. Perhaps if Mr. Personality decides to waste our time and NOT hire me, then this lady will actually really attempt to find possible positions for me that would fit best. You know how most temp agencies just kind of send you where ever to fill the order, not really caring too much about your actual skills?
So, off on the job I hunt I be. I hate that quandry though, the one where you are so happy to be at home where you don't have to do anything but you know you need to work if you ever want to get ahead? Yup, I have 2 passes just burning holes in my wallet and I would love to take the baby to these places until she is sick to death of them, but money is a nice thing, especially when it puts diapers on her cute, little butt!