Before this broadcast, Don Newman was (rhetorically) asking: which Stephen Harper will we see? The friendly, work-with-people, sweater-wearing Harper? The tough, bully Stephen Harper? Or... what was the third one, again? Statesman? Ideologue?
Wow - he started strong with the "democratic" pitch, didn't he? Very foreboding.
"We are proud that you honoured us with ... a mandate" on Oct. 14. WTF?! Does he not know what "minority" means?
Okay, now down to the boring part: what are we doing? We are giving lots of money that we didn't promise last week. But we're not scared.
How will their 100-million surplus avoid "structured deficit"?
Flaherty "will be consulting with the business community and interest groups," and they are consulting with the opposition. This is friendly, sweater-wearing Harper!
The gist I'm getting from all of this is... "we're surrendering! don't take away my toys!"
He looks so sincere when he 7:04 depicts the Bloq as the enemy of Canada. "A coalition with separatists cannot help Canada."
"And the opposition does not have the democratic right to form a coalition with the opposition they promised voters they would never [partner] with." He keeps using words like "democratic" and "right." I don't think those words mean what he thinks they mean.
"This is no time for backroom deals with the separatists." It's not time for backroom deals with separatists until he says that it's time for backroom deals.
"This is a pivotal moment in our history." that should read "my history."
"I pledge to you that Canada's government will use every legal means at our disposal to protect our democracy, to protect our economy, and to protect Canada." WTF?! Martial law? Place Dion under house arrest? I'd love to see it.
Mansbridge and the CBC news people say that he calls the separatists "Sovereigntists" in the French version: I guess he doesn't want to lose *all* of hte Quebec vote, after all.
Don Newman just called him the "I don't have anything new to say" Stephen Harper. But he did point out that he was wearing The Sweater.
I get the sense that the CBC is not very pro-Harper right now. Newman is pointing out the lies in Harper's speech, and the tape's not even cold yet. They're currently going back to 1925-26 to provide a counter-example to Harper's rah-democracy speech. (Mackenzie King went to see the GG, after getting the second-most seats in the election, and
formed a government for a while.)