How to Be a Complete Bitch Without Trying - Class Info (OOC)

Jul 07, 2008 01:11

Adama, Lee
Aravis Loweecey, Aravis
Bass, Chuck (TA)
Linderwall, Cimorene of Johnson, Cindy
Moraitis, Toby
Nitt, Agnes
Nolan, Ronan Miller, Randy
Peace, Warren Peace, Logan
Thropp, Liir Smith, Larry
Weasley, Ron Stinson III, Barney

Syllabus - Highly Subject to Change

Introduction to Bitchiness
Never Use Tact
Ignore Those Who Are Less Important Than You
Be Fabulous
Insist On The Best
Who Cares If It's Bad For You When It's So Cool?

Please note that we had a very funny idea for a class called "Exercising Apathy", one that was going to be 100% blank except for the LJ-cut. While this is an amusing meta-joke, it kinda doesn't allow for much, you know. Class. So we're not doing it. But we wanted to share anyway.

What to Expect From This Class

Abuse, humiliation, mockery, pain. That's pretty much it, right there.

A Note on Tink's Speech (Or Lack Thereof)

Tink can't talk. Tink jingles, and gestures, and narratives, but she can't physically talk. On rare occasions, she will pull a wand out of her cleavage and use it to write out words in mid-air, should she need to, but most of the time, she settles for body language.

She's rather eloquent at getting her point across, but at the end of the day, she's still a three-and-a-half inch high pixie zipping around and waving her arms, so please feel free to understand as much or as little of her narration as possible.

Questions? Comments? Attitude? Pie?

tink fails at teaching, ooc

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