I know that this is annoying for many of you, and some of you have all ready signed, but I am closer than I have ever been to reaching a major organizing goal, and every single person counts right now
Let me explain.
I had a MAJOR role in designing Jubilee's What's on your heart campaign. In order for the campaign to have any affect, we must get at least 10,000 signers. As of yesterday afternoon we have 8, 514. That means we need less than 1500
This is the closest I have ever come to actually acheiving a campaign goal like in the two years I have ever organzied
On a personal note, this campaign is extremely meaningful to me as its the first I've worked on that i had any role in designign, and I had a huge role in this. I NEED THIS WIN. On a very personal level. We have other better plansto get there, but if we lose this I won't be able to handle it, so I'm asking you as my friends to please help us get there
SO I am outright begging you to sign if you haven't, and regardless to forward it to everyone you know. 1500 is a tiny number and I know I can reach it.
Please Click on the link and help
http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/863/t/8402/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=388 then message me