(no subject)

Apr 21, 2005 16:37

ok guys so i habe an aquantince from elem.school and she dosent believe in god,ive been praying for her and i really want you to too.this is a conversation we had.(btw jen is my old bff from elem school )
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: oh and btw ... who told you jen moved to calie
Whith1: she told me she was gonna
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: she didnt !
Whith1: o
Whith1: do u see her
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: i saw rabecca .... they went to the same school ... and i asked her about jen .. so she showed me a pic.. jen is goth now and is satinest
Whith1: ?
Whith1: satenist?
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: yeah yeah
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: that
Whith1: what is that
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: she worships the devil
Whith1: ohmy!
Whith1: she used to be lutheran...but that was a long time ago
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: yeah
Whith1: that surprises me
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: y?
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: people change.. and she did
Whith1: not everyone changes i was hoping she didnt
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: alot of people did... i did
Whith1: i didnt really
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: i am sure you did
Whith1: not that drastically though
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: i am sure you can tell just form talking to me online that i have
Whith1: yeah
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: see..
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: was it a big change..
Whith1: r u asking me...or telling me
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: askinf
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: asking*
Whith1: yeah
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: how do you see me now... and how did you see me then?
Whith1: it was the whole God thing that made me realize u changed even if u didnt believe back then u didnt come ryt out and say it like u did now
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: cuz then i was afraid of beleaving something diffrent... ad now i know so0 many people who beleave so mayn diff things.. and its not that i dont want a religion .. its that i dont have one .. i need to find some thing that fits me
Whith1: what do u mean fits you
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: a religion that i like
Whith1: how can u have a religion..you said u dont believe in God
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: no all relicions beleave in the same god
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: like in wicca.. whitch was what i was looking in to ... and acttually will be ecoming shortly .. there are many gods
Whith1: well i believe in one and only God
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: .and were you brought up that way..
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: ?
Whith1: yes
Whith1: what does that have to do with anything
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: not me .. my parents felt that i should have a say in my religion
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: so from the start .. i didnty have one
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: thats also a big part of why i dont beleave in god ..
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: ok but aside from the whole religion thing.. ow have i changed
Whith1: being brought up in church isnt what made me realize his presense it was my grandmas stroke
Whith1: when she was in the hospital which was on easter i was so afraid and he told me it would be alright i prayed nonstop those days
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: well see... i never prayed.. i was never told to .. i really knew nothiong about god or any relidion
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: but aside form that... how did i change
BeLLyBoTTonFuZeZ: ?
Whith1: ill be praying for you

i ended the conversation that way,please pray for her.

love always whit
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