you make me wanna la la!

Dec 27, 2004 20:10

since i have no AIM i just stay on lj all day looking at peoples ljs. its sad...& bad. this one lady was talking about how her marriage was falling apart & another was calling america a cancer & hoping that we turn into a third world country...though he cant resist big macs at mcdonalds. amazing. yet indirectly he praised us for our acceptance of foreigners, therfore dissing his countrys (ireland) treatment of tourists & immigrants. hmm...newhos...ive been taking some more pics of me so if neone wants to see em just ask in a comment! :-) btw...heres my christmas pic!

i liked it. it was so cute to my mom. hopefully tomorrow or wednesday or thursday (at the latest) my room will b clean, its so bad right now. theres so much stuff to b done. oi vay. im still waiting to go to SNS with mike. lol. friday is new years eve! coolness! my familys going to a different party this year so hopefully there wont b as many drunks as last time. ahh wouldnt that b cool lol. im prolly gonna post in a couple hours so yeah. see ya then!

since mike already did it in his journal...i wanna do it in mine lol. if i offend u, stop reading, i was open enough to read all of mikes entry, so just think of that when u click out of here knowing u could actually open ur eyes to others opinions. remember...52% of the US voted for Bush, that leaves 48% who still have voices...not to mention those who have voices who r otherwise unable to vote.

first of all...i am definitely NOT a republican, though i am not entirely democrat (i find liberal as offensive as being called a yankee thank u). but extreme republicans do annoy me. they always talk about how bad democrats r. & when we get off of that subject, everything they say has to do with how good they r. thats only extreme republicans, not most, dont confuse. but i hate durant for its political lean towards republican beliefs.

gay rights. i support them entirely. unforunately because of the "rednecks" in my school, we dont have a gay/straight alliance, which i would b more than happy to join & take a leadership position in. but enough about GSA. i like to look at things from the OTHER perspective, therefore, hypothetically, what if the country was run by gays & they wanted to ban heterosexual marriage? what would the rednecks do then? seriously, this country is so horrible when it comes to this, there r so many people that cant stand to see people who arent exactly what they *THINK* an american should b like, including my dad. look at "mindfull_wander" dec. 22nd entry, that especially touched me.

abortion. this is something im arguing with myself about. killing nething just gives me that sinking feeling. also knowing that this is legal to teens who r extremely stupid cuz they cant control their hormones can get an abortion without parent consent & sometimes even without the parent knowing it was even done & makes me mad. i believe it is wrong & unethical. in some cases i can understand (rape, & mayb if u had AIDS & knew it would b passed onto ur child...i dunno) this is probably my most controversial issue.

God interfering with the state (cuz we ALL know it happens). i dont believe God should b brought into schools. if it is those who dont believe in God or even just dont believe in OUR God r being thrown in the middle of opinions of what is & isnt & what should & shouldnht b. but i can say there is nothing wrong with the pledge. in my opinion. its for our country, & if u dont like it, dont say it. thats the good thing. u dont HAVE to, its ur right. at least stand up for respect, u DO still live here even if u dont like it. & if u dont like it here, when u turn 18 u can legally leave forever & go live in england & ireland & complain on ur lj how much america sucks. also, if something doesnt DIRECTLY say "believe in God" or "God is great" should be allowed. i was outraged when i heard in polk county that a government building couldnt decorate their great room with christmas trees & santa claus. christmas is so materialized neways, y does it matter?

i also believe that this country is very everything-phobic. if something is new & hasnt been done before people freak out. also, i hate fighting & i HATE war. but i will not say nething about the war in iraq because i am tired.

& lastly...i didnt want Bush to win the election. at all. period. i didnt like nething he did in office in his first term & SOMEHOW i dont think it will change too much. fortunately, i didnt want kerry to win either. & michael moore. OI VAY. what a horrible idiot. stupid people just annoy me, they couldve done & said so many better things, thats y i dont like any of these people.

by the way, i thought it was hilarious when some people said they were gonna move to canada cuz Bush won. ahh i luv u guys.

comment as u shall...but it really wont effect me.
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