(no subject)

Aug 19, 2005 16:07

Well, I'm just hanging out at work. I've got nothing else to do but I want to get paid until 5, so I'll be hanging around for another 45 min or so. I used to never stay around with nothing to do cause I felt bad wasting their money, but they actually told me to just stick around and get paid. Patty even told me to bring a book in. I guess I really shouldn't fight it since I am definitely not in a position to be turning down money.

The big news is, of course, Brett! He got back from camp on sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It's been so wonderful. We went to a free dance lesson yesterday and we learned the rhamba, waltz, push & pull, the cha cha, and the fox trot (the very basics of these, since it was only an hour lesson) It was really fun and then we went to A La Carte at the Zoo which I love so much! I was so bitter and upset last year cause I had to leave for school before it, but this year was fabulous. So much good food and the animals were so great. I've never seen them so active and playful. The weather was also really neat. There was blue sky, dark patches of storm clouds, lightning, but no rain, clouds that looked like they were from a van gogh painting, and a beautiful rainbow.

I can't believe I'll be moving in about 10 days! I was so focused and excited about Brett coming home that I pretty much forgot that there was more stuff happening after he came back. It's amazing how different I feel right now compared to a year ago. I was such a mess last year. I wasn't excited or happy about school at all, but now I'm actually looking forward moving. I felt like i was ending my life last year, like iowa was a giant brick wall i ran into, but with madison i feel like my life is happily flowing there and opening up a whole new world (cue aladin and carpet and fireworks) Well, not a new world, i don't want a whole new world, i like my world a lot, but broadening it and making improvements.

On a totally different note. I'm becoming obsessed with these shoes. Not just one pair, but this entire line by Kenzie. I've been looking at them and trying them on. the problem is that some of them are kind of ugly, and they do look a bit odd, but i want them. They're also a little on the expensive side. Not 'put me in debt' expensive, but considering their awkwardness and lack of matching potential, it's more than I would like to spend since I'm supposed to be saving for Italy next summer. However, I really want them. I actually had a dream about them and I spend time daydreaming about them. That's weird for shoes. Men, food, adventures, things with some sort of plot, thats normal. just thinking about shoes, not so much. I also want at least 5 of them, which wont happen. I do think i'll have to give in and buy at least one pair.

Ok, quitting time. people should post lots so I have stuff to read while i work.
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