May 10, 2004 00:23
thursday night i was out late at the mtcup studying. i came home and ended up talking to my friend Dave, who i met my senior year spring break, and we havent talked in a year, on the phone for a good 45 min. we were talking like we were old friends and we may go to the smokey mountains for a day this week. i cant describe how wonderful it was talking to him. i am amazed how you can just click with certain people, especially ones who you meet at random.
i still dont know my physio grade and its causing so much stress in my life that i dont want. it makes me mad that school makes me so tense. i hope to know my grade tomorrow.
my allergies are so bad. today i was grumpy all day and spent a good portion of it in bed b/c the sinus pressure in my head was intense. i was crying because it hurt so bad. hah. i wonder if it is the fort that makes them so bad b/c they dont seem as intense elsewhere.
tomorrow i am going to work at my dads office and pick the kids up from school. very few of my friends are home this summer and that makes me sad. i hope i can find a job wherever i am this summer.
orange juice is good and i like my family a lot, although they are annoying as all heck. the end.