Head or Heart???

Mar 20, 2005 20:01

bare with me im in a rambling kind of mood tonight...

I long for the slow dance.

Like a lot of people have their ideal scenarios...like for some people its the perfect kiss but for me its a slow dance.

Have u ever really thought about the power of a dance. it is so fucking romantic. slowly moving over the floor looking into each others eyes with the perfect song on behind you. I think that sounds incredible. Now to some it might be corny or tacky but i say fuck you..its my dream and i like my dream. Under a star filled sky w/ the one you love and nothing but you and him moving together in perfect harmony...ahhhh sounds great. why do you think that at weddings the first thing that happens at the reception is the "first dance" bc it is so romantic and symbolic of love.

They say that the way someone dances is an indication of how they are in bed. hehe

Idk about all that but i do know that i can't wait for my perfect dance and then maybe my perfect sex to follow lol. Ive just been thinking a lot about things like this. "the perfect scenario" and then ive decided that maybe there is no such thing...actually not maybe there definitely is no such thing. How can anything be perfect? its basically the same concept that nothing lasts forever. except love. so if love can last forever then theoretically it can also be perfect right? i mean you cant just have one exception to any rule. there is always more to follow.

im finding that the more i write in this stupid journal the more i dont want to write in it anymore bc these are kinda my private thoughts and idk who i would really want reading all of these... tonight i started another journal...like a real one that only i will see. In it i have my list...the list is a very special thing...only a few...and by that i mean like two..people who know about the list. i threw my list away a long time ago bc i felt that most of it had happened and i didnt need it anymore, plus i was really angry and just didnt want it anymore. Well i started a new list tonight and im finding it hard to add to it. There is really only a few things i want out of this life, and the main thing is happiness...the rest is pointless. If you are not happy then you will never really accomplish anything you set out to do. only when you are really happy can u do things in your life. I have realized that and so brings me to my dilemma.I have this blank piece of paper with like two things written on it and i cant add to it bc all i really want out of life right now is to be happy. everything else is pointless and meaningless. and by happy i dont even necessarily mean love. i just mean to be happy whatever that may take. i just wish i knew at this point what it would take. bc right now i would be willing to try anything.

idk i guess ive just been thinking a lot the past few days. that conversation with cara really made me think about a lot of things. And i had a very startling realization...well maybe it was obvious to other people but i did not notice it until i said the words out loud and then backed up and said them again...and then my whole mind was just boggled. so when i realized that i also realized that i had to make a choice. i had to decide whether i wanted to stay on that path or whether i wanted out. and i still havent reached my decision...i cant lie and say i decided one thing when i havent decided anything yet. i guess im in limbo right now...hence all the thinking.

but no matter what i decide i still want that slow dance! :)
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