this is why i love my dad...

Oct 16, 2007 18:08

So, checking my mail remotely from work here...
OK, I'll send some tape ASAP.
Ordered rifle from King a few days ago. You should get it real soon.
You should theoretically also have received the package with the flag bag, some mail, check from Mom and some extra goodies thrown-in mainly for packing material. :-)

I'll go back to King and look at gloves. I would have guessed Medium, so It's good I asked.

Making a model of the burger barn shouldn't be too much of a surprise, coming from me... That's what I was test-melting the styrofoam for last week. I needed to seal-up the cut ends. I'll send photos. They are almost 2 megabytes straight from the camera, which makes them Big for email attachments. So I'll check-out the photo sharing sites. Probably more economical to send pix. I expected them to be easy, I just never had the need before.

Annoying as the lack of travel ability might be, it ain't forever, ya' know! And it's not like any of us is on a deserted island. Hell, in many ways, there's a lot more to do where you are than where WE are! Not that I personally care, I don't get out much... And you'll keep making more and more friends there and the people here will be just someone to visit when you're in the area...

Focus on the class work, maybe try to really Dive into some project or the school paper or something. My schedule really sucks, for example, but weeks will go by and all of a sudden I kinda' go "Whoa, it's October?" KnowhatImean? The ol' "Time flies when you having fun..." but really it covers almost any busy thing you're doing. Well, I suppose shoveling manure day after day might not keep your mind off the passing of time... But you get my point, yes?

And I'll tell ya' nobody ever offered ME trips to Florida for the weekend. OK, OK, so I was Living in Florida. But still, same thing... Nobody offered me a trip to DC, OK? Sheesh, lets pick nits...

Biggest, dumbest, you asshole mistake I ever made was turning down an appointment to the US Air Force Academy because they wouldn't let me join a flying club until Junior year, and I wanted to drive airplanes Right Now! So, you see where That got me, right? Even if I just did the required time and bailed out, I would have had US Air Force Academy on my transcript and resume. Instead I end-up with 2 years at Riddle, 2 years at NCC and 12 calendar years to complete 2 school years at SHU. And a wonderful career out of it, right? I collected my diploma while on unemployment. Don't even think about letting this happen to you. That diploma from A.U. will open a lot more doors for you. And I'm already clearing space for that Pulitzer over the mantle... Don't make me stick a placemat from Denny's there instead... (OK, that was a terrible substitute, but it was all that came to mind in a moments notice)

I suppose I could become a professional TV game show attempted contestant. Maybe I could set a Guinness record for most game show audition tapes. Mailing all those tapes will get expensive, though... I'll keep sending periodic, hopefully non-annoying emails to the casting director from baby-boomer. To "keep in touch", you know? Maybe refine the model some more, develop a complete menu, stuff like that. And see if they ever really get a pilot on the air.

I'll get 8 or 10 of my best people looking into it...

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