Jan 24, 2006 22:21
A bunch of my fave survey questions
10 things you love
1: Family
2: Friends
3: Partying/Drinking
4: My Phone
5: WMU
6: Movies
7: Music
8: Sleep
9: Food
10: Delta Gamma
10 things you hate
1: mean people
2: Waking up early
3: driving in the snow
4: Liars
5: cold weather
6: not being with my friends at home
7: onions
5 firsts
Boyfriend / Girlfriend: Rob
Crush: Ryan some kids from elementary school
Kiss: dont remember?
Best Friend: Erica Buskirk
Pet: Brutus my old dog
30 have you ever
Picked flowers from someone elses lawn? yes
Cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend?:Nope
Had a close friend die?:Yes
Had a close family member die?:Yes
Overheard someone having a conversation with themselves?:yes
Sniffed a permanent marker to get a mini-high?:sniffed it yes. not gotten mini high
Doubted you sexuality?:no sir
Written on the walls of a bathroom?:No sir
Stapled your finger?:No sir
Watched porn?:Yes
Cut your own hair?:Yea
Been to Disney World?:yes
Been to a nude beach?:Nope
Climbed a pile of boulders so you could say 'I'm the king of the world'?:yeah
Thrown up on a roller coaster?:Nope
Danced in your underwear?:Fo sho
Danced in your underwear in front of someone else?:yeah
Had a long distance relationship?:yes
Taped a 'kick me' sign on someone's back?:Yea probably
Ate something off the ground ignoring the 10 second rule?:Many times
Gotten your tongue stuck to something cold?yes
Been to a fortune teller?:nope but wanna go
Believed something a fortune teller told you?:Nope
Burnt things because you were bored?:yeah
Stuck gum under a table?:nope
Had the same dream more than twice?:Yep
Talked to yourself on AIM?:yeah
Had to go to the hospital because of a fireworks accident?:No
Made a truck driver honk his horn?:yesum
Seen a UFO?:nope
Who was the last person to
Kiss you: rob
Hug you: rob
Touch you: probably heidi
Call you: jenna
Text you: catie
Can you
Write with both hands?:Nope
Roll your tongue?:yes
Touch your tongue to your nose?:nope
Tie a cherry stem in a knot using only your tongue?:yeah
Color:Pink, blue, green, orange..uhm i like em all...
TV show:dont have one really...
Book: Da Vinci Code
Movie:How to lose a guy in 10 days, must love dogs, pirates of the carribean......
Place:up north.
Number:7 or 16
Piece of clothing:shirt?
Smell: gucci envy me... or home cooked meals
Sport to watch:hockey and basketball
Sport to play:soccer
This or that
Beach or Mountains:Both
Day or Night:Night
Coffee or Tea:coffee
Real World or Road Rules:Real World
Nike or Adidas:Adidas
McDonalds or BK:McDonalds fries BK's burgers
Sweet or Sour:both
Winter or Summer:summer
Fall or Spring:Fall
Dogs or Cats:Dogs
Coke or Pepsi:neighter
Black or White:Black
Chicken or Beef:Chicken
Hugs or Kisses:Kisses
Love or Lust:Love
Chocolate or Vanilla:Vanilla
Blue or Purple:Blue
New or Old:Depends
Short or Tall:Tall
Brown or Blonde:Brown
Math or Science:Science
Single or Taken:Taken?
Word Association (first word you think of)
Bombarded:lost of stuff
Meh: ??
Boys: Rob
Girls: Jenna
Red: Blood
Gray: paint
Dog: bruzer
Blind: DeltaGamma
Smell: good
School: WMU
Food: cheez its
Immature: boys
Blanket: Warm
Life: is good
Sink: the ones at school are dirty
Clothes: i need new ones
Frog: FShe has a frog butt...haha
Beach: sunset...