I thought I would give this egg raising thing a try.
Anywho, I wish sometimes life wasn't so confusing. I am happy with my life, but sometimes I just don't know what to do. I want to be a CA in my dorm next year but there are only 32 spots open total and about 70 kids trying to fill those spots. I think I have a chance, but I'm not to sure. But if I don't get a spot, then I don't know what to do. Last year was Hell because I didn't know anyone, felt very alone, and wouldn't wish that on anyone. So if I don't get a spot I might transfer someplace closer to home and where my family and friends are. But if I do that then I will never see my boyfriend who is going to school about an hour away from me. And he never goes home, which I really don't get why. He has a great family, so that can't be it but anyway. I just wish life wasn't always this confusing.
Well now I have to go read a few chapters in my Philosophy and Religion book for tomorrow's disscussion. Its not a bad class, just a big book with lots of big words and not very many pictures. :P