Jun 20, 2005 23:15
A - Age you lost your virginity? I am thankfully still a virgin
B - Band listening to right now? Coldplay
C - Dream car? Aston Martin Vanquish
D - Dad's name? James
E - Easiest person to make laugh? Meagan
F - Food you miss most? hungarian
G - Any encounters with ghosts? I don't believe in ghosts
H- Person most hated at the moment? I don't hate...dislike maybe..but not hate
I- Interesting unkown fact about you? I write poetry
J- The first letter of the last person who broke your heart? A
K - Kissing with eyes opend or closed? I've never been kissed..so I wouldn't know
L - Last time you did LSD? never
M - Most memorable moment you can think of in a minute? telling someone how much I love them N - Nicknames? alli,al,big al,alley cat,ect.
O - Whats the most valued possession? my relationship with God
P - Poison of choice? hemlock..I don't know why
Q - The last quote you heard?"The opputunity of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetimeof that opputunity" -Leonard Ravenhill
R - What are you allergic to? goose down feathers
S - Song you sang last? incomplete
T - Time you woke up? 6 am
U - Favorite pair of underwear? I don't have a favorite..they're just underwear
V - Vegetable you hate most? lima beans
W - What are you the most afraid of? losing a freind or family member
X - X-rated love life? NO love life
Y - Year you were born? 1987
Z - Zodiac sign? sagittarius