For once, I called it.
First of all, who comes up with these titles? And why don't I get this one at all? Does it reference something I'm completely missing - other than Benry's breakfast?
Hard as I try, I almost never see the twists on this show coming, so let me just say now that by 8:30, I'd called it. And yes, I'm proud of that fact. Of coruse, they telegraphed it all pretty clearly and when you think of the timeline for Kate getting off the island (soon, one would assume) and being arraigned (can't take that long, right?) things didn't really add up.
Oh, Locke. You really never learn, do you? *sigh*
Scared to admit this (especially considering how bitter people seem to be) but I kind of like the twist. I feel like it opens up a lot of questions to be explored. Such as, you know, what the hell happens to Claire? And why are they lying about all of this?
Oceanic must pay very well. Was anyone else stunned by the house Kate was living in? Cripes. I'd live a hundred days on the island for that.
In other news, my student loans are done! And several years early, too! Take that, Direct Loans. Bastards.