I ramble a lot throughout this post

Mar 16, 2007 11:58

I was tagged by the fabulous fading_spark

Sometimes it's okay to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.

They're not the best, but I have a soft spot for each and every one of these. I rambled quite a bit, so I'll spare people the length. Also, I'm not tagging but if you haven't done this, you should. It got me feeling all sentimental.

Stopping for a Beer on a Thanksgiving Eve and the companion (that I love even more) Turkey Day - The West Wing
Summary: Donna's in Wisconsin, Josh is falling apart, Lord John's running loose, and someone wants the President to pardon a pig. Happy Thanksgiving.
First off, these, as the meme says, are NOT the best things I've ever written. That said, they ARE the most fun things I've ever written. I love them dearly because they were my first attempt and humor in fic and my first attempt at longer fic. (25,000+ words total.) I love them because we all have to start somewhere, and this is really where I did. I love them because Toby is treed to his desk by a turkey. I love them because Donna's mother yodels for cats. I love them because Josh and Sam used to be adorable idiots. I love them for a lot of reasons. They're not the best, but I still smile when I read them, and I suppose that's what counts.

The Wheels on the Bus - The West Wing
Summary: "Donna has this theory involving John Wayne..."
I love this one because of the banter. I take no credit for this banter as it came to me (literally) in the middle of the night. I love it because it's a bus ride through Iowa with the President's trivia and Donna's theories and CJ's height. I love it because it's everything I used to love and later missed about the show.

Beware of Dog - Lost
Summary: Man's best friend...maybe isn't.
I love it because it's Sawyer and Hurley both doing what they do best. There's something up with that dog, darn it! I swear there is.

Just Another Con, Just Another Game - Lost
Summary: Just another pretty lady whose husband ain't around.
I love it because it's Sawyer, a con, and a twist. And I swear it could have happened.

The Dance They Do - Lost
Summary: She runs. He chases. It's the dance they do. Kate/Ed Mars
I love it because there's an untold story there and canon has yet to fill in the gaps. I love the diner scene most because it's one of the very few times I've written something knowing exactly how it's going to end.

More about the bird from Par Avion. I need to get over this.

Why do I want to kill the thing? I mean, I have nothing against the bird and I'm an animal lover, but why do I think it would be hysterical for Rousseau to use her enormous rifle to blow the thing out of the sky? Or Sun to be having a leisurely stroll down the beach when Vincent approaches with one white feather dangling from his mouth. Or, instead of Mikhail biting the dust, the flock flies through the completely inappropriate looking security device to which Locke remarks that he guesses it works. Why do I have it in for this bird? Seriously? 5 Times the Bird Should Have Died crack!fic is not far away. (And if any such thing exists, will someone please point me in the right direction?)

This is what having a week off work does to me. I obsess about the demise of birds. This can't be good.

lost, meme

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