Dont touch your poo lol Soli

Jun 01, 2005 15:37

Ok so i know it's been like forever and a day since i've updated my journal but i've finally decided to fill you all in on my pathetic life that i lead. Where to begin??? Well i guess i can start by saying that me and Brandon are no longer together and that it didnt end so well but now after a little time apart i think we might be able to maintain a friendship seeing as he's the only person who truly knows me inside and out and has been my best friend for 2 years so the idea of not having him in my life wasnt very flattering.Moving on from all that me and Michelle dont seem to be friends any longer and you know what i dont really care seeing as she's constantly rude as hell to me and i dont need it.On the more upside of things me and SSoli decied one night to go to Barnes and Nobles because we were very bored and Soli loves to read.... so while sitting at the table togethr i look over and see a very old guy friend of mine Eric... so i said to Solange "Hey isnt that Eric?" and Soli said "Yes it is he must be back home from the Marines." So she perceded to head towards him and started talking to him and then she brought him over to our table for a little convo or as i like to call it "Catching up." He was standing right next to me with some girl who i thought was his girlfriend but come to find out that that wasnt the case she was just a girl who wanted to be his girlfriend. It was finally time for me and Soli to leave and Solange told him not to be a stranger and give us a call before he leaves...i had no idea he would call within 20 minutes but he did and he asked us to meet him and his brothers up at Hustlers to play a game of pool. Good Lord do i suck at the game but i had help from my Marine who isnt very good at the game either but he tried. We hung up at Hustlers till it closed and decided that none of us wanted to go home and that we were all hungry so Denny's sounded like the place to be at 2;30 in the morning.We were there to 6 in the morning and then we went our seperate ways. Me and Solange went to to the beach watched the sun rise and talked about the loves of our lives and how much we missed all kinda of things about them. After ourlong conversation we headed to Nikki's house to get my damn yearbook FINALLY and then wentback my house to crash and slept till like 3 inhe afternoon. Pulling those all nighters became a habit between me and Solange and thanks to that i got really sick for like a week which sucked but that didnt stop me from going to Eric's party we hung out all night in his room and caught up and no for the record we werent alone alot of people were hanging out with us too. So that started a beautiful friendship between us. Me and Eric go waaaayyy back to the 3rd graade when i first moved here. His mom was my science and computer teacher in elementry and we made our confirmation togethr aww how cute lol.How about after all these years he still remebers the exact part of New Jersey im from and was born inthe same hospital awww isnt that special.Well anyways after that night at Hustlers we spent every night together up until today because since he's a Marine(gota love a man n uniform)he had to leave again forlike 60 days minimum and 240days maximum. I promised him that while he's gonei'd hang out with his mom seeing as she'll be lonely because both her sons will be away in the Marines and she'll be lonely. O i forgot to mention the two new bundles of joy in my life kittens twins a boy and a girl tuxedo and jersey. Their both black and white very cute. ooo and also i hope to soon getmy GED i plan on taking a pre test sometime soon we'll see what happenes. OK well im tired and i have to go feed my children who are currently bitting me soo bye bye for now.
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