Mar 02, 2006 23:51

well, brilliant me, i'm painting my fingeranils when i'm supposed to be working on a paper, and i'm using sucky polish that...doesnt dry. so i'm sitting here typing on the paper, then i look at my nails, and they're all gross. so i grab my nail polish remover and try to put a few drops in the nail polish, cuz you thins it out if it's all goopy and makes it nicer. and then -dont ask me how- somehow, the bottle gets knocked over. all over my damn keyboard.
i freak out.
start exclaiming every exclamation i know, and freak freak FREAK out. luckily the keyboard's still working, thank god. and luckily i wasnt wearing pants or anything so i didnt ruin any clothing (cuz it did spill all over my legs). but it did get on the carpet. i hope it survives...eeehhh...i attacked it with a towel.
and i hope the keyboard stays okay...<=/
though the keys are starting to get kinda discolored.
gack, the stench of remover is getting pretty bad.

nice going, leah.

leah's a klutz, damn, nail polish remover

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