*Young girl don't cry your tears will dry you'll soon be free to f l y*

Jun 25, 2004 00:32

Young girl don't hide
You'll never change if you just run away
Young girl just hold tight
And soon you're gonna see your brighter day

Hey kids.Well yah today sucked just as bad as yest i have been absolutley driving myself insane over this aren stuff and it's really just killing me inside.Today i woke up and hurridly got ready cause my love ms.peer was comin to pick me up so we could drive around aimlessly.We ended up going to publix so i could apply for a job and then we went to burger king and got some food.Well she dropped me off at home and i got online and i was talking to katy and she was like oh i found out who aren is going out with.And i asked her who and it was the FARTHEST person from my mind.Aren is going out with Alyssa Costa.I have absolutley no problem with her, i love her to death.It just came as a GIGANTIC shock to me.They work together so i guess that's how they got to know eachother so well.I was speechless when katy told me..i had no idea what to even think.My heart like dropped into my stomach and i started to cry(which pissed me off..cause i hardly ever cry over boys) and then i thought i was gonna get sick.But i didn't.It just completely blew my mind.So i went to work and was all like depressed and shit..and then i had to quit my job.So it was a rough afternoon.But then of course my *BeSt fRiEnD* came to the rescue and reminded me that i need to rely on myself for happiness not a silly boy.I mean i'm still sad about it but i know i'll be fine without him and that there is so much more out there for me that i don't even know about yet.Seriously i don't know where i would be without amanda.I think i'd be dead by now.She is constantly there for me and always with the right advice.She is my guardian angel!So i'm starting to feel a little better about the whole aren and gf thing.I just gotta start focusing on me and what i want and need out of life.And i need to learn that just because right now there isn't anyone interested that i don't have to hold on to what i thought was there. I need to not be dependent on other people for my happiness..that needs to come from me.So hopefully all goes well.but again a HUGE thank you goes out to ms Amanda Lynn Peer...i love you so incredibly much..you don't even know how much you help out.But yah i'm gonna finish downloading some music and go to bed.So night night all.Love you.xoxo.

When there's no one else
Look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend
Just trust the voice within
Then you'll find the strength
That will guide your way
If you will learn to begin
To trust the voice within
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