Jan 04, 2004 22:37
well it goes like that... !!!
one day in this world i will be around people that are not complete idiots
one day people will know when to grow up
when to stop doing drugs
when to just BE
live life
seriously...i had a moment of reflection
i thought and thought
i moved away for a reason
and now i am back
that doesnt mean i should BACK BACK BACK track
i will chose to stay with forward progress
fuckyou druggies
fuckyou jealous bitches
fuckyou if you dont like me
fuckyou for making me sad
fuckyou for NEVER being a friend...when you said "quote"
DONT ever fucking tell me something and then not do it...
if someone makes a cry for help...YOU should help them
it is the right thing to do
but who does the right things these days?
i have found better
seriously-----> friends? they dont pull the shit they did tonight! or NEW YEARS
fuckyou for making me feel less then i am
fuckyou all for saying you once were friends
fuckYOU immaturity
fucking (clue.....)
seriously tonight a good friend of mine had to make a decision to go or stay and once again he TOTALLY OPTED to stay for ME <----that is a fucking good friend
i love how when someone goes to high school and is known as the fucking biggest dork to hit THOUSAND OAKS high...and i as a nice person am nice to them CONSTANTLY because there is no need to be mean...and then they start smoking weed and think they dont need the ones they did before, but who really likes you for you? i DID
i liked your mom and your sisters and brother! i was nice to everyone when i meet them....and still you get stabbed in the back later on down the years
but dontcha worry cause what goes around comes around
and thats all i gotta say about that....
i have found true friends
and lost some not true friends
shit happens
i have loved and i have lost
shit happens
i have cried and then laughed
shit happens
i have felt for someone and had them hurt ME!
shit happens
seriously most of ya'll can go to hell
SLEEP GOOD you fucks!