Sep 02, 2006 05:58
Yesterday whilst driving to work I saw, I'm almost positive, a red-tailed hawk! I was mounting Meisner Ave. heading towards R-town, and I saw him or her perched on a telephone wire. I slowed my vehicle to a halt so as to observe the bird, at which point another vehicle was approaching me and I pointed towards the beast so as to share my discovery, but I don't think the driver knew what on earth I was gesturing about. (Driving sign-language surely needs to adopt a "Look! Rare avian life!" sign into its lexicon...)
A moment after that the hawk spread its impressive wings and flew away. The only reason I'm able to identify it as a red-tail with a certain degree of confidence is because of Pale Male in NYC and the documentary about him which has aired many times on PBS. I still can't figure out why they call them red-tails, as I really can't see any red on them... they're more of a mottled chestnut-and-white.
Anyway, thought I'd share...