born of laughter

Dec 10, 2010 21:55

Main Application

Name: Whitney
Age: 24
5-8 Positive Traits About You: cheerful, hardworking, creative, independent, funny, clever, artistic
5-8 Negative Traits About You: stubborn, shy, critical, secretive, impatient with idiots, spazzy
Strengths: good with kids & animals, good reader, creative, good at figuring out solutions, quick on my feet, and good listener
Weaknesses: terrible speller, bad with names, can't color inside the lines, crowds bother me
Pet Peeves: people who think the world revolves around them and that they don't have to follow the rules, rudeness, cruelty, too much sarcasm, people who walk really slowly in front of me, drama, bad drivers, mushrooms
Hobbies: reading, writing, drawing, stamping, hiking, biking, doing anything outside, watching movies/tv, hanging out with my friends, playing with my dogs, teaching, traveling
Talents: fit with my strengths up above
Future Career/Plans: teacher/missionary

Season: spring & fall
Music: alternative rock
Food: pasta, pizza, chocolate, blackberries, apples, bread
Clothing: jeans & a t-shirt
Quote: "They sicken of the calm who knew the storm." - Dorothy Parker

This or That
Girly or Tomboy? tomboy
Shy or Confident? confident about myself, but shy around strangers
Introverted or Extroverted? introverted
Humble or Vain? humble
By the Book or Rebel? by the book
Kind or Cruel? kind
Selfless or Selfish? selfless
Cautious or Impulsive? cautious
Optimistic or Pessimistic? optimistic
Leader or Follower? leader

Short Answer
What do your friends tend to like about you? I'm funny and a good listener
How do you feel about friendship? I love my friends very much and would do almost anything for them
Put these in the order that you think are most important; highest priority to lowest; friendship, love, reputation, responsibilities, vanity: love, responsibilities, friendship, reputation, vanity

Tinkerbell Related
Have you seen the movies? other than Peter Pan, no, but I'm planning on it
If no, why? If yes, which did you see and what did you think of it/them? just never got around to it
Favorite Character? Why?
Least Favorite? Why?
Which character do you think you are the least like?

Anything Else? thanks for the votes!
Place links to the three required applications here:
3. only 2 need votes


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