Jan 27, 2007 16:16
'ello 'elllo 'ello, hey people this week has been very information orientated, many things have happend that i need to tell people about, converse etc and at first i wasn't gonna share with the group about it all but hey! ive decided why not, all the people who read this ive probly already told anyways and thus are the special people :D (aka sary, paula, roo, laurie, chris, tom, jess, and shiv who is my one of 4 lj friends however as ur away my dear u probly aint read this yet) if u do read this and i haven't mentioned u im sorry lol but im sure ur special too and probly on my msn but thanks for reading!
so i accidently emailed reubens mom this week with the kinda email that wasn't meant for mothers. im not gonna divelge if u ask me i'll tell u, but lets just say the subject rhymed with hex! luckily roo's momma is the 2nd coolest momma on earth (1st is my mom and third is mother nature) and therefore wont mind probably. WE LOVE U ROO'S MOM!
*ahem* so yeah else ways in the terms of gossipo is that i went on a date! yes it was muchas fun, me and nick which is his name went for a drink (most of u no the nick back story so i wont go into detail) and i probly drank a bit too much cos after when we went for a meal i made a complete mess of the table but nick said he didn't mind.
conversation topics included favourite meats my answer to which was PIG! a bit too enthusiastically...
bands, films (good taste thank god!) goa (he's been 8 times), origion (he's a quarter portugese) and lots of other stuff.
he liked to complement me, admiring my shoes (good lad), top, hair, and other things towards the end of the night which was great cos natch he was right about it all especially my shoes which were awesome ( the gold ones i wore for my birthday)
i was very nervous about it all tho i had mixed nervous feelings with another event next friday which is joels party cos his fancy pants new gf is going! *scary* but i was more scared about the date methinks my stomach was in knots on the bus, with the usual first date jitteres playing in my mind, do i look ok, what am i gonna talk to him about, omg what if he stands me up!! and so forth
but it went really well apart from the bit when his friends came into the pub and decided to sit by us! luckily we ditched them when we went to eat.
i probly should describe him but i cba cos now its nap time! (the best time) sooo if u wanna no ask via comment, msn etc...
love cassy xxx