Bringing Sexy Back - more or less

Jun 27, 2007 00:47

I've been working hard, playing hard and not sleeping very much.

Saturday I went with my niece to the Justin Timberlake concert like I promised, and my brother STILL thinks it HI-larious to call me irresponsible. Even as he's trusting his 12 year old daughter in my care. Moron. I told him he should be careful; I might take it as a challenge. Not that even I could corrupt that kid, she's so together. Believe or not, I was *just like that* at her age. My parents thought they'd birthed a wonder child. Boy were they ever in for a surprise...

So, we went, we partied, and Astrid got to play at being a grown-up for an evening. A few of my girlfriends were going as well, so we met up at Christine's place for home made pizza and wine (cola for the youngster), then walked together to the stadium. There was a really fun atmosphere in town, and it could have been the wine, but I suspect it has more to do with me somewhat regularly hooking up with that guy, that I found myself checking out men again! It's been a while, I actually thought I'd lost all interest. Not having seats anywhere near each other, we met up afterwards at my old job, a cafe really close by. It's secluded, so not many people think to go there after stadium events, which sucks for my ex-boss, but is awesome for us few who do hang out there. Nobody knew we were coming, so I got a welcome very similar to Justin, only smaller in scale. My two favorite ex-colleagues, Sarah and Nina spotted me and just started screaming! I got a big bear hug from one of the guys and lots of hugs and kisses. Lots of fun, especially when ex-boss got all huffy when he found out I'm now waitressing somewhere else. I don't care, I don't miss his bullshit. Just the girls. The concert was pretty good, at least Astrid was a happy camper. I thought I was gonna fall asleep about half way through when he chose to play 3-4 ballads in a row, but he ended it with a proper bang. He brought sexy back. Oh yes, he did. However, I do have to disappoint you, ladies. Justin is only 3 inches tall. Sorry. On the upside, now we know how they can store so many celebrities over there in Hollywood...

Also, small observation: If you choose to wear an '80's cut t-shirt with the words "BRINGING SEXY BACK" in bold, neon-yellow letters, and my first thought is, "and what a sorry package it comes in," then you're doing it wrong!

I was only supposed to stay for one drink, but then the boy and his friends showed up, the boss dished out shots to everyone and all of a sudden 'tomorrow' seemed really far away. I ended up going home at 5am, the boy joining me for god only knows what reason since I had to get up 3 hours later and go to work. - And of course I overslept. So he got to see a very charming version of me, as I was running around like a headless chicken, topless, cursing and brushing my teeth. It got even better when we went down to wait for my taxi that didn't show!!
What. The fuck. I ended up waiting 25 minutes on top of the 15 they had given me as notice, and what reason did they give me?? "Oh, we're really busy driving people to church right now." Church?! I realize that I am a complete heathen and that might not be everyone's choice, but how does that in ANY WAY become more important than getting me to work right this fucking minute? Even if you're late for church, it's not like you're missing anything! A boring song, a couple of amens? Pretty sure god will forgive you, my son. However, I'm pretty sure neither god nor I will not forgive the cab dispatcher up and lying to me about being there in 15 minutes when that clearly meant 40 minutes! I ended up spending more than that day's tips on getting to work, and if they'd just told me I'd have to wait that long I could've biked there for free and been there sooner! Which I happened to mention repeatedly to the boy sitting calmly on the steps, peppered with even more colorful expletives. Oh yeah, I was a regular charm explosion. It wasn't until several hours into my shift that it registered that he had offered to stop by in the evening with something to eat, which is really sweet and thoughtful, and really didn't warrant an outburst to the effect of "go ahead if you want to watch me sleep, but contrary to popular belief that activity isn't quite as riveting as one might think, so don't bother! WHERE is that bloody taxi?!" I called and made amends, but he just seemed mildly amused by the whole thing.

Things are going better with him and me. I'm warming to the idea, although not completely on board just yet. However, it shall be said that he is perfect. He really is, there's no better way to describe him. Sweet, thoughtful, attentive, smart, well off, gourmand, enjoys cooking, listening and walks in the park. He didn't bring me flowers when he came to dinner, nay - he brought me thyme and rosemary for my garden. Oh, he's good. He's clueless when it comes to movies and pop culture, but he did ask about "this thing called fanfiction" and listened intently as I tried my best to explain without looking like a complete dork. Then he called me 'deep' for grappling with thoughts of character studies and self discovery, and for using a creative outlet. Or something to that effect. Dontcha just hate him...

He's whisking me away to Malmö this weekend, which is... right across the water and no more than 1½ hours away, but it's still incredibly sweet. And if he intends to display the same kind of stamina I encountered just last Thursday, it's gonna be a rockin' good time!

guys, dating, family: astrid, taxis, work, jesper, justin timberlake

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