So… let me tell you a secret… I really liked the season opener!!! Woot! Not LOOOVED it… but it was really good imho.
Sam! OMG POOR SAMMY! :( I was worried about him and afraid what would happen to him. I wish they would have focused more on him and his wall breaking… but I’m sure we will get to that.
And I would have loved to see more brotherly angst. You know, Dean being MORE WORRIED ABOUT HIS BABY BROTHER!! Damnit! What’s up with you, Dean? If this would have been S1 or S2 you’d be climbing the walls, trying to figure out how to help Sammy. But this whole attitude of “he says he’s alright… so lets move on” was just un-Dean-like. *shrugs*
Yet on the other hand he tries to bend over backwards to help his GOOD PAL Castiel!!! And what bothers me the most.. he seems to forgive him much, MUCH quicker than he forgave Sam in S5. WTF?!! Double standards much?
Mark Sheppard just needs to go away!!! FAR, FAR AWAY!
BUT…. BUT!!!!!! YAAAY for Mark Pellegrino being back!! OMG! I had no idea!!!! *is super excited* Even if his portrayal of Lucifer gives me the creeps. He’s playing him SO GOOD!! Hope we will see more of him.
I guess Misha finally found a role to fit his huge ego, huh?! Seriously, how dumb was the entire God storyline?! *SIGH* I’m glad they moved on quickly with that. And I so wished that Cas was finally dead. But no, apparently not *sighs again*
Though, I gotta give Misha points for playing that Leviathan thing. It looked utterly crazy and entertaining. (guess another great fit for Misha’s ego, huh? ) I’m def. looking forward to see more.
So yeah… that was the kick-off to a whole new year of season seven. It looks promising and I hope they will move away from the angels and heaven crap and focus on what’s really important in that show:
The Winchester’s kicking ass… saving ppl, hunting things…!! And returning to the whole damn family business with lots and lots of brotherly love and angst
Can I have that? Pretty please?! Thank you!
Over and out.
Oh and I fucking LOVE the new intro design! PURE and utterly LOVE!