There are NINETY pics, so they're behind a cut.
All three of my computers broke recently. The netbook got a new harddrive so I lost all that data, the sony laptop is still dead- I think there are pics on it. The desktop was recovered but there weren't that many pictures on it. Anyhow I was waiting to see how many pictures I could find of my trip to L.A. and of the first padt of this month and I found as many as I could, which was still tons, so you get 90 in this post. Sheesh.
Way back in early December, after The Dange left from his second trip to L.A. I had dinner at my brother's house. He grilled some steaks, his BF made a creative salad, and I brought some homemade bread which we scarfed before this picture was taken.
The next night, I was staying at my parents house and they were out of town, I had my brother and his BF over there for an impromptu dinner of egg salad sandwiches and black bean soup. Stephen made another fancy salad with random items from my parents fridge. It was delish.
The sunset from their patio.
It wasn't all fun and games in L.A! I had to empty my whole house. This is what got left there, stored in the garage. Oooph, it's completely packed.
This is all the stuff I had moved to CO.
And this is all trash.
Seriously, I am clearly a hoarder. I also made like 5 trips to Goodwill. Another view of the trash pile:
One day my nephews came over to help Stephen with the plants, and to make Christmasy treats with me.
Nephew and Stephen
We made breadsticks as a test run to see if we could make them for Christmas Eve.
We also made peppermint fudge. It was chocoklate with white chocolate on top. Yum.
And sugar cookies.
Then we made some tomato sauce
For pizza
Lunch with Eddie at The Taco Spot in Eagle Rock. I had a chicken bowl.
And Eddie had a bean burrito
One night DM sent me this picture. Evidently he made a late night trip to Waffle House.
I went to a neat newish restaurant in Glendale called
Palate It's in the old Bekins moving and storage building and is all warehousey.
They have those stainless steel restaurant tables, which i love.
They have a special room where the cheese is prepared.
This is my brother's friend Sage in front of the cheese area. The lady in back with the scarf is prepering the cheese plates.
Sage and Stephen.
My new tenant Angie and my brother Chris.
Me in goth surroundings. I love the decor here!
The dinner menu is very very strange and exotic. We started out with a wine and cheese flight. I had to leave early so I didn't have dinner and I didn't really catch the name of the wine or the cheeses we had! But they were really good. I don't usually like white wine but this was excellent.
Then DM sent me another picture. No, he isn't in Russia, he's in Wal-mart.
The day before Christmas Eve my nephew came over to my brother's house to help me make the appetizers for the Chirstmas Eve family party. We made arancini, wgicg are very trendy right now. We've been having them for years, my grandmother used to make them at Christmas.
Christmas Eve we put the finishing touches on everythig, apparently while drinking wine and dancing.
My brother's cat Jake.
Chris and Stephen.
The table of appetizers. I think there were about 25 people there.
I made the barefoot contessa's spided rosemary cashews, but I used almonds and walnuts too.
A yummy salami plate brought by my brother David. The cheese in that green bowl was a marscapone stuffed mozerella ball from Whole Foods. it was super delish.
My brother David with his salami (heh).
Blue Cheese dip from Saveur Magazine.
Marinated goodies.
Nephew with his breadsticks.
The Dange, the nephew, and the brother David.
Merry Christmas PJ!
The cats can't get enough of The Dange.
PJ is obsessed with drinking water, even off the floor of the shower.
My brother Brian, Stephen, Leeza my brother's girlfriend, and my dad.
Christmas breakfast table.
I made a spinach quiche from Paula Deen
Crumbled bacon, green onions, and sour cream for the top.
Since there were so many of us I thought I could make the English muffins in the oven. NO. They came out so hard I think I cracked a tooth trying to bite one.
The day after Christmas we left to go back to CO. First stop was Phoenix where we had dinner at the Cornish Pasty (Company? Place?) in Mesa. I's a pretty neat place and comes with rave reviews.
They had several different hard ciders which gets extra points from me.
We also had pastys. I had the shephard's pie pasty. Only it wasn't a SHEPHARD'S- it was the one with the ground beef, not the lamb.
Dessert was this awesome banan cream pie things. OMG.
The next day we headed into New Mexico. I had been reading and hearing all about stuffed soppapilas the entire trip and I wanted on. We stopped in Gallup thinking we could find one. But it was Sunday and everything was closed. We were too hungry to try to make it all the way to Albuquerque so we stopped at Furr's. I had never been to a Furr's before. I guess it's a cafeteris. But on Sundays it's all you can eat. We were tired, cranky, and starving so this is what we wound up with. It was for sure an "eyes bigger than stomach" situation. We only finished about 1/3rd of this stuff.
A small town in New Mexico not far from the Colorado border.
I was pretty worried about PJ toward the end of the trip. He was very unhappy at my parent;s house (we stayed there the last two weeks of the trip because my house was being worked on). He was confined to an upstairs suite but of course, wanted free run of the house. We couldn't do that for a variety of reason. But he just meowed non stop for like the last three days we were there. Once we got into the car and the hotels and stuff he calmed down, He was really super mellow the whole car trip and I thought maybe he was just not feeling well. He also had a little bit of a cold. When we got back I took him to the vet, he got some meds and is feeling a lot better now. Here's his comfy bed in the car. We had SO much stuff this time that the back was fiulled with boxes. We put blankets and towels on top of the boxes which I think the cats liked better. They could see otu the windows this way instead of being below them.
Back in COS. The view of Pikes Peak from our street.
New Years Eve we had DMs mom and step dad over for Christmas gift exchange. we had planned to hit some of the downtown bars after they left but I developed a screaming migraine so we went to bed at midnight after watching the fireworks shot off of Pikes Peak.
I made a fruity rum cocktail.
And pretty much the same apps as Christmas Eve. Blue cheese dip,
Spiced nuts. And a new one, a a curry chick pea dip.
DM's mom and step dad.
They gave me this cute tea set for Christmas.
Our fireplace. Cozy!
My friend Janel and her new sorta boyfriend came over on New Years Day night. We had some appetizers and I made a mushroom pizza.
This was some sort of baked pasta I made later in the week.
Some pretty roses.
I'm telling you, my cats can't get enough of DM. he's a regular cat whisperer.
We were trying for like an hour to assemble this plastic covered wardrobe rack thing. We never did get it put together. But while we were doing it I couldn't stop LOLing at DMs hair standing on end from the static.
Breakfast of oatmeal, fruit, nuts, and brown sugar.
PJ wants to help me unpack my stuff.
The little console thing on the left was my brother's. I had it shipped here with the rest of my stuff. The lamps, rug, and pillows are all from my place in LA. It's pretty cool how everything seems to coordinate.
Cookie Puss is menaced by this squirrel
We made PJ a little perch out of a neat old typewriter table that I brought with me. I have no idea where it initially came from.
I recently read on a food blog that you can make foamed milk by putting milk into a jar, shaking it up, then microwaving it. It totally works! Not as well as with the real milk steamer but fine for everyday.
I think this was chicken nachos.
There are two new spice stores downtown here. TWO. MMMHMMMM. Anyhow we went to one of them the other day., They let you smell and taste the spices and they had freeze dried corn! It was funny. Pretty tasty but the texture of air!
Scrambled eggs with salsa and homemade biscuits and gravy.
Kitties again!
Pikes Peak from one block north. I love that big old house on the left.
DM in front of a church nearby. It was really cold but we wanted to get out and walk because we are FAT. I lost about 7 pounds when I was first in LA but gained it all back over Christmas. Since 've been back I lost 6 so maybe I can actually keep it off this time.
That's all! Hopefully I'll be able to keep up on this better. And hopefully I won't have anymore computer problems.