May 08, 2006 00:22
Alas... I am only here to update you on the MOST imporant things of my life.... like things stolen from Courtey ... :)
I have kissed someone:
on the cheek
on the lips
on their hands or fingers
in my room
in their room
in front of my parents
in front of their parents
of the same sex
of the opposite sex
younger than me
older than me
with black hair
with curly hair
with blonde hair
with flaming red hair
with straight hair
smaller/shorter than me
bigger/taller than me
with a lip/tongue ring
who was drunk
who was high
with food in my/their mouth
who I had just met
who was homosexual
who I didn't really want to kiss
who didn’t kiss me back
on a holiday
who was going out with someone else
who was going out with someone close to me
who was my good friend's brother or sister
who had been/is in jail
in a graveyard
at a concert
at the beach
on the dance floor
at a wedding
in a pool, jacuzzi, or some type of water
with dyed hair
with a shaved head
who was/is my good friend
who was/is in a band
who has tattoos
who has piercings below the neck
who is of a completely different race than me
in the rain
with an accent
with an std
on a boat
in a car/taxi/bus
on a plane
at the circus/carnival
with a missing body part
in the movies
eskimo style
Anyone with an STD, a different ethnicity than me, and a boat wanna take it to the circus so I can chop off your arm, pierce you in several places while you admire other guys so I can kiss you and this whole thing will be done with?... ;)