Oct 08, 2004 15:23
I hate teenage girls. and don't even try to bring to my attention that i fall ever so nicely into that sick subgroup of society. as a whole they are moronic and egotistical and vain and shallow and superficial. i can try to understand the affinity for cute fuzzy animals but when you value that over saving children who are living without food and shelter, well then i need to question it. and i'm sorry that i have almost zero interest in discussing how exactly i shape my eyebrows (for anyone who's curious, i don't. i let them grow like scary caterpillars above my eyes. oh horrors!). it's not that i don't appreciate all things girly, it's just that i have better things to do with my time then obsess over whether these jeans make my butt look big or which haircut would best suit my face shape. i have a job, i go to school, i have a dozen and one extracurriculars...which by the way i actually care about and didn't join just so i could pad my scholarship application form. i don't have time to deal with people who's biggest issue is about when they're going to be able to get their nails done.
end of sentence.
i'm out.