The Sound of Silence [masterpost]

Aug 29, 2013 02:41

fandom: merlin

rating: nc-17/e

word count: 40k and some change

category: slash; pairing(s): merlin/arthur, past merlin/gwaine, various other background pairings (including morgana/leon and gwen/lancelot)

characters: arthur pendragon, merlin, morgana, gwaine, gwen, freya, lancelot, leon, uther pendragon, elena, elyan, mithian

genre: modern au, developing relationship, friendship, hurt/comfort, fluff, romance

warnings: disability (deafness), some jealousy and insecurity, sexual content (seriously, for a fic that's not actually about sex, this fic has a lot of sex), some elements of d/s (in one scene)

disclaimer: don't own anything, don't make any money from this, you know the drill.

summary: For Arthur, whose work revolves around improving sound, living in silence is unimaginable. For Merlin, living in silence is a fact of life.

| and | no one | dared | disturb | the sound | of silence |

a/n: y'all know where the title is from, don't pretend
this is my second big bang this year, and i managed to finish it, can i hear a hallelujah

on a more serious note, huge huge thanks to the_muppet who organizes (or rather, organized) this whole thing, to beth, mims, aino and everyone else who's had to endure me for the past few months, and most importantly to my beta, kay, and my artist, mathilde; kay, you are the light of my life i swear, thank you for existing; mathilde, you've been the most amazing to work with and your art is adorable (and everyone should see it), and i'm so happy to have worked with you and i'm sorry i'm absolute shit at time management

for more on the technologies that arthur's project in this fic is based on go here

right well, i should let you all get to reading things that are not my ranting at 1 in the morning so i'mma shut it now

feedback is always appreciated ^.^

word count: 40000-45000, genre: modern!au, genre: fluff, character: merlin, pairing: merlin/gwaine, character: freya, genre: au, character: guinevere, warnings: sexual content, rating: nc-17, genre: developing relationship, pairing: various/other, pairing: arthur/merlin, character: gwaine, character: morgana, character: lancelot, genre: friendship, big bang: fic, warnings: oral sex, category: slash, fanfiction: merlin, warnings: disability, character: other/various, character: arthur pendragon, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: romance, author: tink_sky_reid

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