Oct 10, 2005 02:20
ok nikki's party was interesting...dora & i slept over i slept & dora & nikki tried 2 wake me up ALL night..i got like 5 hours. but anyway Mariale was giving massages & she taought me this one & was like u can do it 2 josh & what u do it the person lays on their tummy & u sit on their butt & massage them. well later in that night it was nikki dora dave krys & i & i was like "if i tried 2 do that 2 josh i would.." then Krys siad "crush him" i was PISSED! i was going 2 say that any way but he had no right 2 do that. i am jsut really senstive in that subject & liek if dora said it i would not have minded cuase shes a girl & can understand but it's like (u can back me up if u feel this way) if one guy thinks ur fat then u think all guys do. so 2day i told josh about it & krys was online 2 so he did a bubby chat with us & heard our sides of the story & he siad 2 krys u dont call ur firends weather they r or not or whether its 4 a joke or not. & he said 2 me that im not fat. so krys was like i was trying 2 make a joke & its like what was i sopposted 2 do? just let him get away with it? i dont think so!! so we were fightingbut anyway i told krys i was sry 4 lashing out @ him & gave him my reasons y i did & then he was like i odnt no what 2 say i only ment it as a joke & u were going 2 say it anyway. & then josh was like well does that mean ur ssry or that this is still going 2 go on & krys was like well im not saying im sry & it's like y the hell not?! hes not going 2 because he doens't feel like he insulted me! well krys if u read this I AM INSULTED!!