Nov 13, 2005 17:33
hey!!! the harvest ball was so0o0o0o0o awesome!!! dora and holly didn't have fun 4 certian reasons (i ain't telling u wanna no u ask them) but i had fun. Josh got there @ about 9 cuase he had 2 work until 8:30 & he borught me a flower!!!!! awwwww lol we ahd fun but that veronica chick was pissing me off. she was like all over josh & then after nikki told her that josh & i were 2gether she kept doing it. oo dear god. oo and we grinded 4 the first time (dora was like finally) lol o well. on friday i went out with my gurls (holly & Dora) we wnet 2 bennigans and ate dinner then we had Big Ben 4 dessert. it was sooo good. it was vanilla ice cream with brownie choclate sauce and carmael topped iwth whipped cream and a cherry!!!! we were done @ like 8:45 so we decided 2 see a movie. we went 2 see chicken little @ 9:30. i never laughed so hard in my life. it was awesome!!!!!!!!!! then yesterday & 2day i had 2 work. & now im sick!!!! oo hsit ooo well