It's been twenty days since my last update, so what's happened since then?
- Braces have come off
- Went to Banff
- Ate some steak
- Saw Rancid in concert
- Saw Reel Big Fish and Less than Jake in concert
- Ate Duck
- Dyed my hair pink
- Took a mango layer cake onto rush hour C-train
- Climbed an actual rock face
- other cool stuff
Ack, so Mandy's whole "never getting sick"-thing is kinda false now. I mean, I usually just feel ooky and pull through, there's no lounging in bed and boxes of kleenex or buckets of soup, just a slower, hazier Mandy and buckets of tea. But right now, I'm riding on the high end of the ooky scale, like almost tipping over into the "never wanna get out of bed ever" end of things. Not good. My goal is to pull through today, and if I still feel gross tomorrow morn, call in sick...gah, actually being sick when I call in...okay, that's a lie, last time I called in sick I got food poisoning from a shifty Vietnamese sub, I don't play least not at this job.
So I'm film festing pretty much all this week. I saw the Animated Shorts last night and while most of them were good, I felt that this years offering wasn't as strong as those of previous years. I dunno, every year you're gonna gets some really arty ones that no one understands, y'know, the ones that feel like art for arts sake, but usually there are some really creative and poignant ones, not so much this year. Hopefully the rest of my film fest choices go better.
I did see my old crush at the movie theater last night though, and it was kinda odd, well odd in a way that it barely registered as a blip in my mind. I think we made eye contact once, but we never spoke. I don't know if it's because he doesn't recognize me or was just avoiding a stilted and awkward conversation. Either way, I was surprised at my ability to acknowledge the situation and move on, without over analysis. I'm proud of me! The blip did inspire me to look up some of my old journal posts, both the ones here and over there, and man alive, was I ever angsty...and complainy... I can never say that I haven't changed or matured over the years, because I have, I can prove it using my online journals...
The trip is now less than a month away. All the big stuff has been reserved and/or booked, and my itinerary is more or less complete. Not too sure what to do now other than sit around and wait. Well, alright, there' s still the packing and the currency exchanged and all that kinda stuff, but it's kinda ridiculous to start doing that stuff now, that's all like a week to few days before kinda stuff. Either way, I'm excited!
I'm currently all caught up in Season 1 of Dexter, yeah, a little late to that game, but w/e, but we're missing the last sad...
That's all for now folks, I'll be seeing some of you soon, others not so's how it goes.