Dec 09, 2004 11:13
Not completely yet, but I have a test I'm not worried about tomorrow, a final paper due Monday (which hopefully won't need much revision), and 2 finals. But I'm DONE. NO more education this semester until the final!!! Get excited kids.
It was another 4 AMer again last night, but I got it done. Not well, but done.
My computer's officially dead. "Operating System is not found." Yup. It's dead alright. Kind of like the other 4 eggs that developed but died. It was so sad to dispose of them. But we got 4 happy, healthy chicks named Uno (since he was first), Patch (because there's a black patch on his head), and Trooper (because before he could get out of his egg, Patch came over and yanked him out by the foot).
I promised GA she'd be on my away message last night, but since my computer died, I'll put up her quote and hope someone reads this and tells her (if GA doesn't read it on her own). "Your birthday is my half-birthday and that's funny because you're half as tall as me!" I love me some GA!
And yay for my girls at dinner last night. Y'all make me so happy!
So to recap my semester:
~Kids are nuts. But they will teach you so much more than you could dream of teaching them.
~Don't have children. Don't get married. Don't have sex. Just don't. It's all bad.
~Everyone gets excited over chicks hatching. And everyone EXCEPT those who are actually incubating them will see them hatch.
~Funny things are said and decided in the computer lab at 4 AM. And if it's not Hell Week, the only people in the computer labs at 4 AM are education majors.
~War Eagle fly down the field. Ever to conquer, never to yeild. War Eagle, fearless and true, so fight on you orange and blue. GO! GO! GO! On to vict'ry strike up the band. Give 'em hell! Give 'em hell! Stand up and yell HEY! War Eagle win for Auburn, power of Dixieland. It'll be sweet as sugar!
ONE week til i get to go home!!! One month til I get to see my camp kids!