Aug 19, 2004 23:15
Just got back to memphis from a long(er) stint in Alabama earlier this evening. I was supposed to baby-sit two little ones from my church tomorrow morning, but their grandparents decided they wanted to keep them instead at the last minute. Oh well. The cash woulda been nice though.
I accomplished a MAJOR project while in florence. I (brace yourselves) CLEANED MY CLOSET!!! whew. i almost didn't make it out alive. Scary stuff let me tell ya. There's hardly anything left! It's great! I can see the floor! This justifies the shopping trip to Wolfchase I'm planning Saturday (I mean I gave away easily over half my closet. I need some comfort).
So yeah. I'm in memphis til monday. Then to Alabama for the night, then to New Orleans on Wednesday til Friday. goodness grief!
I use a lot of exclaimation marks. but y'all still love me! At least I hope so
So in checking up on my friends they've all been writing about the upcoming year and sisterhood retreat and such. I'm sorry I missesed the retreat. It was great fun last year. I, too, am excited about being back at Transy-land. I'm ready to see what things this year has in store for me, good and bad i'm sure. I've got a couple of wait-and-sees :) So i dunno!
This week was really interesting in Alabama. It really is completely different from colorado and pretty different from kentucky (at least you have a 50/50 shot of getting sweet tea). I went to youth groups sunday night and i realized just how much I've changed since going away. And most of the change I think has happened within this past year. Well, I guess that's when the corruption became most obvious. I was sitting there listening to conversation and hoping I wouldn't be asked what I thought about the topics. Then I'd have to explain. and then there would be stories. and we just don't need that. I did have a nice talk with Caroline afterwards when i was driving her home (some things never change :)). I like knowing she's my ally.
I found out I'm once again famous by association! It turns out that my friend robbie's former roommate is in the olympics!! How cool is THAT? the only problem is that he competes in the shooting events. I'm sorry, but I don't really see how that can be considered an athletic event. while i'm sure it's harder than it looks, how much physical strength does it require to shoot a gun? Oh well. I'll still claim it as part of my famousness.
Let me here from y'all. gettin a little lonely down here by myself :(