
Feb 11, 2007 23:42

so lately, i dont know. i think i have boy issues. as soon as things are going well. like, really well..........i make it a point to cause some sort of fight. dave and i havent even had a mini-quarrel in like a month. things have been amazing........and im so happy. but yet, no matter how great he treats me, or stuff he pays for, or how many times he calls me just to tell me where he is, or the little things he does that just scream "you are my boyfriend".........he still can't say it. we are exclusive. we are in a relationship. we are together. but hes not my boyfriend. i know it shouldnt really matter, but it just gets under my skin and makes me not be able to enjoy things as much. so i said something. and im awaiting a reply. half of me thinks im in the right on this one...but the other half is like "why ruin a good thing"........

but seriously, this is the least of my problems. electra, millie, classes (which ive been neglecting hardcore), my finger has a weird bruise on it, im broke, and i got an acting only slot at netcs (all the musical theatre ones were full). all things that could be going better.

but of course, because im stupid and have pms i choose to pick fights the boy. eh, at least i know im doing it. thats a step in the right direction i suppose.
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