my day

May 27, 2005 22:52

so first i wake up happy so happy. this was b/c it was our last day of school. so i go to school i take both of the finials that i had to take and stuff. so i finish and I'm there for like 2 hours waiting for some one to pick me up. for 2 whole freaking hours. so finally my cousin comes and picks me up and it turned out not to be such a good idea. so she picks me up we go to eat lunch at some place there cant remember the name of the place right now. so there sitting talking she tells me about her new business that she is she is starting off with a friend. so its going good so far then we go over to her parents house and where there just chillen. when her brother my other cousin of course comes with her girl friend well his girlfriend says hi to me and to me only not to my cousin or to my uncle that r there. so my cousin gets pissed at this at calls the girl a hoe and a bitch and a lot of others things that i cant say. so there there bitching at each other when my cousin goes thats it to my uncle "u pick between us 2 if u let her stay then im living and never coming back to this house again" so my uncle goes ok do w/e u want so my cousin gets all of her stuff and just leaves... but of course me being me a go stop my cousin and i try to calm her down but noooooooooooo what does she do she starts to bitch at me i'm like calm down im not taking any ones side here im just trying to keep from doing something stupid that u may never forgive your self for and stuff. but like always nobody cares about what i say so fuck it.. i'm not going to care about it either i guess then. oooooooooooooo one more thing my cuz as a sick ass business just ask me about it if u want to no. bye thank u for reading this. peace out ppl!!!!!!!!
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