This is the TEST shipment you asked for
- 10:15 - Breakfast. Morning! :-) #
- 11:53 The forrest looks kinda naked. Poor thing. They're auctioning a racesuit worn by Ralfie on the radio. Bet it smells odd. #
- 12:58 It's like back in the DDR (GDR): waiting for butter at Aldi. #
- 13:01 @ mh9899 Ewwww! But yes, apparently it's worn. And signed. Last I heard it was 300€. #
- 14:29 Thank you, Word, for finally realizing that I'm writing GenAM and not RP. Took you long enough. *scowls* #
- 14:30 Or not ..... #
- 14:51 Done, now nap. #
- 14:52 @ silve Meh. :( *hugs* Sucks big time. #
- 20:19 Holy crap, I'm so bored and have -0 mood for anything. Not even icons or writing are appealing. #
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