(no subject)

Apr 01, 2013 07:26

Been more adventurous with my Easter baking this year. I'd wanted to make hot cross buns, which I love, but I'd seen this donut recipe in the Guardian that had really tickled my fancy. I started the dough off the day before yesterday, then put it in the fridge overnight and finally fried them yesterday evening. Out of this world. They weren't meant to have jam in them, and they really didn't need it. I just rolled them in sugar.

Boy, was Adam a happy bunny. He's been missing donuts. They do make them here, but they either have a thin glaze of water icing (icing sugar + water) or confectioner's sugar on them, and he misses the crunch of the sugar crystals.

If you are wondering why I'm classing this as adventurous, I don't like deep fat frying. It makes me nervous. Hot oil in large amounts is scary.

Oh, and Adam and me won the Easter egg hunt this year. The kids win if they find all the eggs without help, and we win if they need pointing out where the last eggs are. Mwa-ha-ha.

Happy Easter, everyone!
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