Know Your Enemy!

Oct 03, 2002 08:43

This one torques me no end.

Pat Buchanan

American Cause

6862 Elm Street

McLean, VA 22101


The indomitable Pat Buchanan, right-wing columnist and
television commentator, scourge of the 1992 Republican
convention, announced the formation of American Cause in the
spring of 1994. The organization evolved out of the 1992
Buchanan for President apparatus and is clearly meant to be
a support system for the next Buchanan for President
campaign. The kickoff event for American Cause, held in
Washington in April 1994, was a two-day conference called
"Winning the Culture War," which Buchanan proclaimed "the
Boston Tea party of the cultural revolution." Whatever else
it may have been, the event was a bigoted revel designed to
enhance Buchanan's stature in the eyes of his fans and
allies. Speakers included professional homophobes Lon Mabon
of the Oregon Citizens Alliance and Will Perkins of Colorado
for Family Values; "traditional values" advocate Michael
Medved; Dan Quayle's vice presidential chief of staff
William Kristol; home schooling proponent Mary Kay Clark,
who described the National Education Association as "the
training camp of the enemy of the family;" and Ezola Foster,
representing Black Americans for Family Values, who referred
to public schools as "socialist training camps." The
emphasis was on curbing freedom of expression in the name of
"taking back the culture" for the reactionary right. As the
1996 Presidential campaign
heats up, American Cause will
become more visible. Write for information.

know_your_enemy, anti-republican, fascism, fundamentalism, politics

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