I am 100% sympathetic with members of the GLBT being bullied, but I take issue with the inclination of the public acting like they are the only ones who are or have ever been bullied. Here is a most-decidedly incomplete list of people who have been or are bullied:
- "fat" kids (I know this firsthand and in SPADES)
- small kids
- poor kids
- shy kids
- the sports-challenged
- kids who have developed faster than others (this more-often applies to girls whose breasts are very developed)
- kids who aren't as "smart" as their contemporaries
- "geeks," "nerds," and other kids who are "smarter" than their contemporaries
- non-xtians
I implore the media to give these kids equal time to the gay kids who are mercilessly bullied by those who feel they are entitled to do so. If you don't, there is an absolute certainty that another Columbine will happen in the future, when kids bullied beyond their capacity to deal decide to turn the gun on those other than themselves.
Think for godssake.