NaNoWriMo, Friendship, Pebbles, and other Random Hoo-Ha

Aug 19, 2009 14:23

Instead of waiting until the last minute and then half-deciding, I've committed to participating in NaNoWriMo 2009. This will give me the time to set my author's page up the way I want it and to conjure my personal strategy for NaNo success. Really, there's no other way I could participate in NaNoWriMo. Success is a given; otherwise, I wouldn't bother. It's the Virgo in me. I can't just half try and hope for the best. I can't attempt NaNo and not achieve 50k +. It's like being Eddie Izzard's transvestite and turning an ankle whilst wearing high heels. I'd have to kill myself, it's as simple as that. Actually, I think I have my page as ready as it's gonna be. It's just a matter of strategy....

I'm not sure if this is a new feature or just something I overlooked the last time I participated in NaNoWriMo, but there's an option to upload cover art for your novel. So..... Any of you artistic types who might be keen on working up a mock sleeve for The Blood Crown are not only more than welcome to do so, but already have my sincere gratitude! Needless to say, should my series ever get published, the art you may contribute now, would be included in the published work. It would be in my contract, or there would be no contract. We artists, whatever our medium need to stick together. If you create a large enough tribe of creative people, something magickal might happen.

Or not.

I was defriended by someone day before yesterday. I always thought we were pretty tight, but I was apparently incorrect in my thinking. I've been doing that a lot lately, being incorrect in my thinking. This friend defriended me because he said he had IP trackers on his journal and it was obvious that I never read his journal since I never visited. I never visit anyone's journal. Everyone is right there on my friends' page. That's what it's for, or at least that's how I understood it to work. Maybe I was incorrect about that too. Anyway, there was that and the fact that I rarely commented, along with the fact that I was choking his friends page with my lengthy uncut posts. Even if I don't comment often on people's blogs, I want to make it clear here that I do read. Now, I'll be honest. Since early June, I haven't read as much as I should. Hell, I haven't written as much as I used to. I've been preoccupied with one of my 'Causes.'

If anyone has felt neglected because of my indiscretions and my apparent stupidity, all I can offer is my apologies and my promise to try to do better in the very near future. If this isn't good enough and you want to leave the Cliffs of Insanity, I fully support your decision and your reasons behind it. I won't lie and say I'll be happy about it, but I'm not happy about much right now, so this precise moment is the perfect time to help me see the error of my ways. I will bear no ill will toward you in any way. I find it ironic that me efforts to make more friends has gotten me nothing but lost friends. Whatever your decision, just do me one favour, don't give me laundry list of the things I've done wrong. I know what I've done wrong and I'm dealing with the pebble theory right now, and just can't handle anymore.

The pebble theory? It's where a person is given one pebble by one person. Then another person comes by and passes on another pebble. And so on. None of the individuals know that others have given this one person a pebble, so they don't realise that the pebble keeper very quickly has a huge burden of pebbles and no longer the strength to carry them all. So she drops them and causes this tremendous landslide, all because people didn't realise their one pebble was adding to a weight already too great for one person to bear.

Just a wise word here: the next time you want to dump on someone or just be snarky for no good reason, bear in mind that the person you're targeting may already have too many pebbles. Your addition may be the very one that tips him/her over the edge. Without your even knowing it, you could be the trigger that puts into motion a person's One Bad Day. This may not be the Sithliest thing in the world to say, but it needs saying. Be kind to one another. Keep your pebbles to yourself. If you see someone weighted down with pebbles, off to carry some. It doesn't take much time or much muscle to just be nice, and it could make a world of difference in someone's life.

And, if you really need to be mean to someone, let the professionals handle it. Just call me. I'll be happy to be horrible to whomever you wish. This Sith needs to hone her flabby skills.....and quickly.

art, nanowrimo, friendship, writing, rant

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