Tiny bathroom, gigantic mirror, tons of reading material

May 29, 2009 22:37

Aunt Tudi and I keep a stack of literature in the bathroom, which is really tiny. No, I mean it's extra super-freakin' tiny. I'm not kidding. Everything is within reach without you ever having to move. Well, Aunt Tudi has to move because she's teentsy, so she has to stand on her tiptoes for a couple of things. In this tiny bathroom is this huge mirror, the kind that should have light bulbs all around it and an actor in front getting ready for the show. I don't know why it's this way. I came into this house with it pre-done in Dali Decorations. So, when we're sitting on....the throne....we either read something or we look at ourselves in the mirror. Well, Aunt Tudi looks at the top of her head, I look at my whole big ole bobble head. What would you do?

Sadly, I've read everything in there, so I'm getting bored and I look up and...well, it was a Law & Order *BONG BONG* moment. Looking back at me is my reflection, but it's not me. It's some really bad Edward Gorey illustration. So, I'm taking my Edward Gorey books to the bathroom and I'm putting the make-up away until our 8-month long Summer has drawn to completion. Or maybe I should just remember to wash it off after coming in from being outside for an extended period of time. As Jeff Goldblum said in Jurasshashadit Park: "I'm fairly alarmed here."

house, make-up, aunt_tudi, summer

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