Memorial Day Meanderings

May 26, 2008 12:22

I was off work today. Röchling decided to actually close on a horribleday, which is unlike them, according to their long-term employees. I would have preferred to have worked because I don't get paid horribledays. That said, this day is particularly horrible because I am not getting paid for having to choice to stay out of work. I would shake my fist at the Man, but I'm too disgusted to eek out the energy for such an act.

In better news, I have about 15 active Sea Monkeys that I can actually see. The largest one, my first hatched named Adama, has matured and his a truly horny male. Mature Sea Monkeys show their gender by sporting either horns on the head or egg sacs at the base of the tale. I can't wait until the other Sea Monkeys mature so they can start getting jiggy with each other. Sea Monkey sex is said to be a wonder to behold.

In even better news, the Aunt Tudi A/C Salvage Fund has been a success! I'm just waiting for the transfers to the bank to go through so I can go get her an air conditioner. She'll need at least a 10k btu. I'm looking through newspapers and Craigslist to see if something is decent to buy that way, but I'm thinking I'll go with Wal-Mart or Lowes so I'll get a warranty, just in case. The temperature tomorrow is supposed to be 88 with moderate humidity. This is the warmest day we've had so far, so I'm getting her replacement A/C just in time. Thank you to everyone who participated. Aunt Tudi is literally in awe of you and the power we can all wield when we work together. She's heard so many bad things about the Internet, so it's great to show her the wonderful things that can bloom from a much-maligned human medium. You're fantastic!

Speaking of good things on the Internet, I found a wonderful reference website called Index of HTML 4.01 Character Entity References. On the site, I discovered å, which allows me to write Sechlourendål correctly for the first time ever. Déaghydhen language utilises rings over the vowels. A ring over the e, like in Deaghydhe give the e a 'yeh' pronunciation. å is pronounced like a short e. I ring is like a short a. O ring is pronounced like ö. U ring is pronounced like 'yoo.' I wish that all the rings were available instead of just å. It would make being able to translate the true Déghyden language. I guess I just use acutes to replace the rings as needed.

The Llew situation hasn't changed since my previous post. I'm not speaking to him much, as I'm afraid my anger will burst through and leave me not-so-very-much neutral. He's shown signs of affection, wanting to be intimate and whatnot, but I'm not ready to go there. Not until I know what he's truly decided to do. He says he can't make a certain choice until he talks to Melanie. When that's gonna happen, I don't know. He sold his acoustic guitar and amp for $200 and gave me $60 of it. $80 has to go for his car insurance and the rest will get him through the week. He says he's not applying for work this week because he won't know about Pennsylvania for a while and he doesn't want to get a job that he's going to leave right after getting it. So much for financial help.

Gwen has invited me to her cookout for today. I'm thinking about going, even though I'd hate to leave Aunt Tudi alone. I may drop by just for a short time just to say hello, then zip back home and hang with the Toodles. Besides, there's an Enterprise marathon going on and I've become rather fond of that show over the course of 6 or so months. It's much better than Voyager, in my humble opinion.

To everyone who celebrates it, happy Memorial Day to you. To everyone who does not, happy Monday to you! I'm off to get a shower now, on account of I stank.

friends, llew, aunt_tudi, tv, sea_monkeys, work, links, horribledays, deaghydhe

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