If I've repeated myself here from the other "info" posts, I apologise. I'm tired, addled, and fairly alarmed.
- Whenever Aunt Tudi is in the hospital, I rent Fellini films (usually Fellini Satyricon and 8 1/2) and I sit in the middle of the night, watching them and eating cake batter.
- Ever since I saw a used band-aid floating in the pool at the YMCA, I refuse to get in public swimming pools. In fact, I gag at the mere thought of it.
- "Huuvola" by Peter Murphy is one of my favourite songs. It makes me want to weep from the sheer beauty of it.
- I believe everyone had a theme song that plays in some movie in some alternate universe whenever we walk down the street, a la Shaft. My theme song is "Java" by Al Hirt. I don't know why. I don't question it. It just is.
- I would beat up an old lady for some escargot right about now.
- My most unusual pet was a hedgehog named Leopold.
- My most unusual animal rescue was a female ruby-throated hummingbird.
- I like the taste of blood.
- My favourite month is November.
- I have long thought that I would eventually be part of some underground resistance movement.
- For my entire life, I have had recurring dreams of singing in a Black Gospel choir.
- I miss my father.
- Dave Matthews' music never fails to give me chicken pimples.
- That scene in Hannibal where Clarice realises that she's just received a letter from Hannibal Lecter: the emotions that scene inspires in people(something like a combination of dread, excitement, and maybe fascination) is the same emotion I experience every time I get an email from Barry Andrews. After six years, it hasn't gone away.
- I shamelessly ogle Kevin Smith every chance I get.
- I've always wanted to have a pet bush baby.
- Egyptian Musk is my favourite scent.
- My favourite emotion is anger because it fuels me and drives me to accomplishments. My least favourite emotion is love, because I know it will always lead to heartache.
- The Chalice started out as a way for me to deal with meeting my soul mate and discovering that we'd never be together in this life. Cadmus Pariah wasn't originally in the half-formed story and, when he came into the picture, he was a plot device at best. Obviously, this has changed a great deal.
- The Geico commercials featuring the cave men are my favourite commercials on TV at the moment. I want to date those cave men.
- I used to know "Get Up! (Before the Night Is over)" by Technotronic by heart.
- I can sing in Yiddish, Scots Gaelic, and Irish Gaelic, by learning songs phonetically.
- I often view my life as phantasmal, which isn't healthy.
- I play a helluva mean air keyboard.
- Despite my "tough chick" demeanor here, I'm really quite meek.
- Trains terrify me.
- I terrify myself.
Now, it's your turn.