Wednesday is Alpaca Lips Night on Sci-Fi

Jun 14, 2006 18:40

And I'll be missing a good bit of it because Aunt Tudi is keen on seeing Al Gore on Larry King Live tonight.  The Day After just came on (props to my Lawrence, Kansas homies!) and, at 9 PM, there's a 2-hour speculation show called Countdown to Doomsday that provides 10 scenarios for mass extinction.  Good times yo!  Of course, Al Gore will be talking about global warming, that thar thang that don't eggzist in Dubya's Yewtopiuhn Werld Vyew.  Yeehaw!  So I guess it's Alpaca Lips night on CNN as well.

It just seems to me that everyone is a bit more aware of our pending mortality than we were just ten years ago.  Or is it that I'm more aware of people being more aware of the Alpaca Lips?  I think not.  I've been pretty Alpaca Liptic since I saw the original The Omen in 1979.  It's what made me pull out my Rainbow Bible and take a good long look at the Book of Revelation.  So I've been pretty observant of End Times trends for going on 30 years now.  I think the upsurge of Alpaca Liptic Paranoia is relatively new.  It's like everyone got a knock on their front door at the same time only to open it and find that creepy old preacher from Poltergeist II standing there screeching "Yer gawna diiiiieeee!  Yer gawna diiiiieeee!"  That's a real eye-opener right there, that is.

Come to think...if Revelation has any relevance at all and works in conjunction with the Mayan calendar, then we're already a year into the Tribulation.

alpaca_lips, apocalypse, tv

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