That thar Interests meme

Jan 30, 2006 19:04

Stolen from a whole herd of people.

LJ Interests meme results

  1. anti-fascist:
    I think this speaks for itself. Although I'm no fan of Communism as it has been established in the past, I still find the idea of Communism (the pure theory as presented by Marx) much preferable to Fascism. To me Fascism represents all the scary things portrayed in anti-Utopian society tales. It's totalitarian society controlled by evil corporations hiding behind the thin veneer of a so-called benevolent religious institution. It's the powerful few exacting fierce dominance over the subjugated many. It's the priest in the back pocket of the politician telling the population what they can and cannot do in the name of 'god.' So yeah, I'm anti-fascist.
  2. brad dourif:
    He is quite simply one of the best actors on this planet Earth. I fell in love with him when he played Piter DeVries in the original weird version of Dune. "It is be Will alone I set my mind in motion...."
  3. dogs:
    Who isn't interested in dogs? I grew to love dogs when I got my Beagle friend Henry in 1988. Now, I have three dogs, but none of them are like Henry, although Riley comes close!
  4. goddess spirituality:
    Being a student of Starhawk's by proxy, my first Pagan experiences were wholly Goddess oriented. My connection to the Goddess in Her many guises always seems to be in flux, which I think is why I haven't fully turned away from the Pagan path. She never fails to capture my attention and imagination, nor do her many rites. Now, my only public expressions of worship are via the women's group at GUUF, but that's a rare occasion. There's something phenomenally special about communing with a group of women as we reach out to our divine center. It's an aspect of Goddess Spirituality that I will always treasure.
  5. llamas:
    They're beautiful, graceful creatures. They make great cartoon characters (The Emperor's New Groove). And they're the cousins to the divine Alpaca. Need I say any more?
  6. music business:
    Not necessarily an interest; rather, it's a sick fascination for someone who has seen the dirty underbelly of this corrupt organisation run by tackheads, morons, and evil entities incarnate.
  7. riddick:
    Bald and beautiful. Shiny eyes. Bad-ass attitude. The grace of Darth Maul flowing through his muscles. ::DROOOOOOOL::
  8. sith:
    I'm interested in both the Lucas-created history of this religious order as well as the fan-enhanced version of these unique warriors. Technically, I've been interested in the Sith since 1978, even though the name wasn't revealed until 1999. I was always a Darth Vader groupie. When Star Wars EP1: The Phantom Menace came out, the Sith were finally revealed and I was totally taken in. Darth Maul was the catalyst in all this, I must admit. Sometimes horniness can inspire much more in a person.
  9. the apocalypse:
    When I saw The Omen in 1979, I pulled out my Bible (yes, I have one. I still have the same Bible! I should take a picture of it....) and read Revelation. Since then, I've been quite obsessed with the Apocalypse, or Alpaca Lips in my own twisted little world. Suffice to say, I am a complete believer in the Apocalypse, despite my Pagan inclinations. That said, I identify myself as an Apocalyptic Pagan.
  10. way of the sith:
    This is a pretty malleable thing, the Way of the Sith. Everyone seems to have a different definition for it, but I guess George Lucas would have the last word on it since it's his creation; however, he's based a lot of the Star Wars beliefs and pantheon on Joseph Campbell's theories on myth and archetypal characters. For my purposes, my interest in the Way of the Sith is for my own definition in said Ways. I made a post about it several years ago. It's here. But here's an excerpt:

    In my humble opinion, all who embrace their unique power and take responsibility for their actions as beings of strength are, for all intents and purposes, Sith. To acknowledge the Darkness within you, grow angry at the stripping of your independence, and to reclaim the heritage and Mystery of your inherent ablilites, is to be Sith. To fully experience and appreciate the whole spectrum emotions we, as humans, can express is to be Sith. In a Jedi world, where it's frowned upon to be truly alive, to be human in every beautiful and hideous way possible, to embrace the true power of your emotions and instincts is to be Sith. To stand proudly and say, "The Devil didn't make me do it, I did it because I chose to do it" is to be Sith.

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