And lately I just can't seem to believe...

Aug 29, 2008 00:28

I probably seem the picture of apathetic youth when I skipped watching the democratic convention to go catch the last showing of Pineapple Express.

I can't help it if I'm just not as excited as everyone else is.

Four years ago I poured my heart and soul into an election. I'm fairly certain we all remember the outcome.

And when anyone offers me an Obama button, I can't help thinking of my Kerry dogtags. And when everyone else talks about changing the world, I think didn't we try that already?

I know it's different this time. For one thing, I'm not the only fucking one anymore. It's a different candidate, not up against an incumbent, more iconic blah blah blah.

Which doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to the idea of a historic and long overdue minority president. I'm going to vote in November, and for the obvious choice. I'm just not holding my breath

I don't begrudge anyone their excitement, their hope. I'm trying not to be a stick in the mud. I just can't help thinking we've done this song and dance before.

And I know how it ends.

Gave in to practicality and good advice and bought the sleeping pills. Groggy as hell the next day, but better than I would have been if I had stayed up all night. It's a compromise.

The tiny blue oblivion capsule won't fit into the regular pill case I carry. (For aspirin.) I'm wondering if I can use this as en excuse to get a pretty one. Although I shouldn't be glamorizing the habit. Like pretty cigarette cases.

I spent a day over at my sister's house making sushi and helping her get ready for her interview. Making sushi is in ways both more and less difficult than I thought it would be. Then again, she made the fancy stuff and I just make inside-out California rolls.

I also broke a promise to a friend of mine. :( And since I broke said promise with my sister, I feel like the only way to balance the slate is to break a promise to my sister with said friend.

So Sheera, you up for dying my hair?

ranting, life

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