And Now For the News

Jul 21, 2008 00:03

You always hear that the worst part of working in the service industry is the customers.

I would like, just once, for that to be true.

I haven't mentioned yet that I got fillings around Tuesday. I did, shiny new fillings. (Oh, the horror. "I guess you're just one of those people who's hard to numb...") Well on Thursday I also neglected to mention one of those fillings came loose.

It's not all the way out, but it's certainly not in. And the dentist is out of town.

Lacking the adroitness to successfully chew with only one side of my mouth, I pretty much haven't eaten for the last three days. All of which I have worked, and all of which have qualified as Dark Knight opening weekend.

And still, the customers weren't the worst part.

I want to die. Failing that, I want another job.

Broke as I am I still paid (paid, and we'll rant about that later) to see the Dark Knight twice already. I've had to fit in late showings at other theaters after grueling hours at work, but I am in love. And love will find a way.

It usually happens that when I love something, I am the only one in the universe. It's like a curse. (Sheera, I still owe you a list of movies I've singlehandedly cursed, don't I?) But this seems to be one of those strange stopped-clock moments were I'm actually in the majority.

Which is cool, and fun. And it means that I have to be all understanding of the minority opinion and not follow into the parking lot and beat to death the guy who said Iron Man was better. Also, that would be unprofessional.

I am soooooo in love with this movie. Lucas actually asked me if it knocked Lawrence of Arabia off the pedestal. God... it's... it's like a sadistic villain choice. "Which do you love more, Gothams Cowled Crusader, or the man for whom Nothing Is Written? Choose carefully!"

Which put us both in the mind of a Mash-Up.

"You could be the symbol of hope I could never be."

"But a man cannot want what he wants!"

Which is not to say it was flawless. (Even Lawrence isn't flawless.) But it gave me everything I wanted from a Batman movie. (Well, everything that wouldn't be horribly fanservice-y.) Every actor was spot on. Every character SO WELL DEVELOPED. Every action so natural. Every reaction so perfect. I want to be watching it again right now. I haven't been this in love with a movie in... well, it's been a while.

In closing, I might need a beta. Who's well spoiled and up for the job?

job, ranting, movies, life

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