My older sisters birthday was pretty good. She didn't like the cookbook I got her, but loved the season of Frasier. We went out to a sushi place where I used my minor lesser innate cantrip to find the closest thing to chicken nuggets on the menu. (Mmmm, Chicken Katsu!) And I think I screwed up ordering Saki. It's funny, the waiter was all "I'll let you serve it." Making me wonder if there was something important about serving Saki I should know.
I tried to explain to my nephew that Saki was his name before he had a name, but it's confusing even to me, so I don't blame him for not understanding.
He's also rather insistent he used to be in my belly, despite being corrected about that a few times.
My little sister called. Which is horribly sweet of her. Why she didn't call me on my birthday is beyond me.
We ended the day with an episode of Frasier. I didn't get to stay for more then one, since it was late and the BF doesn't like Frasier. Which boggles my mind, who doesn't like Frasier?
My nephew came over today, sick. Not that bad but the little guy wouldn't eat anything. What a horrible day to have to run errands on. But I think he'd better now. Not sure what it was. A few hours virus?
Getting rid of what's left of the car soon. I think we should have a Car Funeral or a Car Wake or something. I loved that thing, damnit. Anyway...
Not much else. Need to finish second chapter AAOI. Need to beta HA chapter for Sheera. (Like she even needs a beta. I think she sends me extra polished final drafts just to show off. :P )
I think I just blew my eardrums out because of how loud the speakers are. Yikes. Maybe the baby wasn't that sick after all. I wonder what else he messed with. Hmm....
All for now.